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86 News


Idea, 09.2016

The coverstory is the new house from actescollectifs architectes.
mehr Projekte von actescollectifs architectes


Espaces contemporains, 08.2016

"On search for light", from the Wallis based architectes actescollectifs architectes.
mehr Projekte von actescollectifs architectes


Batir, 08.2016

The cover of this edition shows the new nestlebuilding from Brönnimann Gottreux.
mehr Projekte von Brönnimann Gottreux


Idea, 06.2016

3 Houses from Ferrari architectes and Andrea Pelati are presented
mehr Projekte von Pelati Andrea
mehr Projekte von Ferrari Jean Baptiste


Traces, 04.2016

One of the projects is the new kindergarden in Prangins from Pierre Alain Dupraz.


Idea, 04.2016

Amongst other projects you can find the restaurant Chetzeron from actes collectifs.
mehr Projekte von actescollectifs architectes


Idea, 02.2016

The coverstory is dedicated to the Raiffeisenbank in Saignelegier from apart architects.
mehr Projekte von apart architektur AG


Batir, 11.2015

The coverstory is dedicated to the JTI headquarter from SOM architects.
mehr Projekte von SOM-Skidmore Owings Merill


architektur + technik, 10.2015

One of the buildings of this special edition about healthbuildings is the batlab from Burckhardt & Partner


Concrete buildings, 10.2015

One of many projects of this Taschen edition is the triple sporting hall from savioz fabrizzi architectes
mehr Projekte von Savioz Laurent
mehr Projekte von Fabrizzi Claude


Batir, 10.2015

The cover of this edition shows the urban villas from counson architects
mehr Projekte von Counson architectes


Espaces contemporains, 09.2015

The geneva based architect Christian von Düring has built this house presented in this edition,
mehr Projekte von von Düring Christian

86 News